Ashe Services for Aging
Ashe Services for Aging
180 Chattyrob Lane
PO Box 9
West Jefferson NC 28694
Ashe Services for Aging was founded in 1977 as Ashe County Council on Aging to provide needed services to the elderly of Ashe County. The name was changed in 1993 to help identify ASA as an independent, non-profit agency, separate from county government.
Ashe Services for Aging, Inc. is certified to provide quality in-home care by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, and is licensed by the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation. ASA is a member of the National Association for Home Care, the North Carolina Association for Home Care, the Ashe County Chamber of Commerce, and the North Carolina Center for Non-Profits. Our Senior Center is certificed as a Senior Center of Excellence by the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services.
Ashe Services for Aging, Inc. employs over 200 individuals to provide in-home aide services, on-site and home delivered meals, Senior Center activities, and Intergenerational Day Care.
Our Mission
Ashe Services for Aging's Mission is to provide services, intergenerational activities, and opportunities to the elderly and disabled adults of Ashe County that enhance their dignity and help them maintain their independence at home.
Senior Center
* Bible Study
* Bingo
* Blood Pressure Screening
* Computer Class
* Computer Lab
* Crocheting
* Exercise Classes
* Exercise Room
* Floral Arranging Design
* Music/ Special Singing
* Painting Classes
* Pool Table/ Billiards
* Quilting Class
* Rook/ Card Games
* Special Programs
* Support Groups
* Walking Trail
* And More!
* AARP Tax Aid
* Congregate Meals
* Home Delivered Meals
* Information And Case Assistance
* SHIIP Counseling
* Transportation
* Hearing Aid Services
* Social Security
Special Activities
* Trips to Historic Sites, Outdoor drama and Picnic
* Harvest Day Celebration
* Christmas Bazaar
* Fashion Show
* Volunteer Opportunities
Senior Games
As the Ashe County Senior Games Coordinator, the Senior Center promotes, raises funds, advertises, encourages participation, assists with training, and transports participants to the senior activities. Come and join in on the fun. they are held once a year!
Health Screenings
* Glaucoma
* Diabetes
* Hearing
* Vision
* Oral Cancer
* Cholesterol
* Stroke
