Bell House, Inc
Bell House, Inc
2400 Summit Avenue
Greensboro, NC 27405
phone: (336) 621-0938
(f) 336-621-0947
Executive Director
Jeni Kirk
Located in Greensboro, North Carolina, Bell House is a not-for-profit agency that provides programs and residential services to physically disabled adults age eighteen or older, whose primary physical disabilities are orthopedic or neurological.
Bell House is dedicated to providing quality professional care in an atmosphere where the dignity, development, health and happiness of the residents and program participants are recognized and encouraged. Bell House residents are challenged to expand their ideas, develop interests and pursue their dreams.
Bell House focuses attention on the capabilities of each resident and their potential to achieve their most responsive, independent and self-sufficient lifestyle.
The Advancing Independence program serves people with physical disabilities who have the interest and ability to learn independent living and community living skills. This program is a voluntary program available to residents of Bell House, Inc. as well as to members of the community who may participate for a nominal fee.
The program begins with an evaluation of each student to determine the focus for that individual's learning experience. Based upon the results of the evaluation, an Individual Learning Program is designed (ILP). The program focuses attention on several areas of learning including education, personal finances, health, recreation, transportation, communication, household management and community resources.
