North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services
North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services
Consumer Organizations and Trade Associations
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* NC Adult Day Services Association
* NC Adult Foster Care Association
* Amvets
* Alzheimer's Association Chapters
* NC Association of Area Agencies on Aging
* NC Association on Aging
* NC Association of County DSS Directors
* NC Association for Home and Hospice Care
* NC Association, Long Term Care Facilities
* NC Association of Non-Profit Homes for the Aging
* NC Assisted Living Association
* NC Lawyer Referral Service
* NC Center for Nonprofits
* NC Coalition on Aging
* NC Dental Society - Committee on Aging
* NC Disabled American Veterans
* Family Care Facilities Association
* NC Federation of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Chapters
* Friends of Residents in Long Term Care
* Governor's Advisory Council on Aging
* Hospice and End of Life Care, The Carolinas Center
* NC Health Care Facilities Association
* National Association of Social Workers--NC Chapter, Aging Program Unit
* NC Justice and Community Development Center
* NC Retired Government Employees Association
* NC Retired School Personnel
* NC Senior Citizens Association
* NC Senior Citizens Federation
* NC Senior Games
* NC Senior Center Alliance
* NC Self Help for the Hard of Hearing
* NC State Council of Chapters of The Retired Officers Association
* Senior Tar Heel Legislature
Established by State law in 1977 (N.C.G.S. 14313-181.1) as the Division of Aging and Adult Services, it has been the organization within the NC Department of Health and Human Services, responsible for planning, administering, coordinating, and evaluating the activities developed under the federal Older Americans Act and the programs for older adults funded by the NC General Assembly. As the designated State Unit on Aging, required by the federal Older Americans Act P. L. 106-501), the Division is the state's foremost leader in identifying and responding to the aging of our population. In 2003, the Division also assumed responsibility for overseeing social services and some benefits programs for older and persons with disabilities and their families as provided by the state's 100 county departments of social services. This expansion of the Division's role is now reflected in its new name- Division of Aging and Adult Services.
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Our mission is to promote independence and enhance the dignity of North Carolina's older adults, persons with disabilities, and their families through a community-based system of opportunities, services, benefits, and protections; to ready younger generations to enjoy their later years; and to help society and government plan and prepare for the changing demographics.
Through partnering with Area Agencies on Aging, County Departments of Social Services, County Departments and Councils on Aging, other local services and programs for older adults, persons with disabilities, senior leaders, and other public and private interests-the Division plans, administers, coordinates, and evaluates a community-based system of opportunities, services, benefits, and protections to advance the social, health, and economic well-being of older and disabled North Carolinians.
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The Division of Aging and Adult Services will be North Carolina's foremost leader in identifying and responding to the increasing challenges and opportunities presented by our rapidly expanding aging society and the challenges of persons with disabilities. We will achieve these goals through effective public policies and programs developed in cooperation with others across state departments, within the Department of Health and Human Services, and outside of government. The Division will act as a catalyst to empower consumers in support of enhancing personal responsibility and to promote the effective use of all resources for the well-being of older and persons with disabilities and their families.
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1. Expand in-home and community services and benefits for older and persons with disabilities
2. Increase support for family caregivers, including those caring for persons with Alzheimer's Disease and other dementia
3. Support aging-in-place through well coordinated community-based services
4. Assure an adequately trained workforce to provide services
5. Involve older and persons with disabilities and their families in meaningful public policymaking
6. Establish an integrated state, regional, and county planning process for long-term-care
7. Improve the quality of aging and adult services and programs, including senior centers
8. Increase volunteer and employment opportunities for older and persons with disabilities
9. Enhance quality of care and quality of life of residents of long-term care facilities
10. Collaborate with public and private agencies and organizations to enhance the health and wellness of older and persons with disabilities and their family caregivers
11. Develop a system for comprehensive and timely information and assistance
12. Protect older and persons with disabilities from mistreatment and advocate for their rights and well-being
