212 S. Tryon Street
Suite 1000
Charlotte, NC 28281
Phone: (704) 377-2273
Fax: (704) 338-1478
SeniorBridge has extensive knowledge and experience in coordinating the care that allows people to remain at home. We provide high quality care for older adults and people with chronic illnesses or complex conditions such as congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, mental illness, Alzheimer's disease, and dementia. SeniorBridge utilizes a Care Management model to deliver high quality and safe care in the home. Our Care Management team of nurses, social workers, and certified caregivers provides comprehensive care that addresses the client's medical, functional and social needs, as well as their emotional well-being. SeniorBridge is headquartered in New York City and has locations nationwide.
We safely transition patients discharged from healthcare facilities to home
Our licensed professional care managers make the transition from a hospital or rehabilitation facility safer for patients. Our 30-day transition program complements Medicare benefits. SeniorBridge will:
* Respond immediately
* Complete a comprehensive evaluation of needs
* Provide a highly skilled caregiver if needed
* Confirm the correct medications and fill prescriptions
* Review and reinforce the approach to care with patient and caregiver
* Provide 24 hour on-call service to the patient
* Coordinate care with your physician(s)
* Consult with the patient and family to review care issues and make recommendations to ensure that the patients long-term care needs are met
Care Management is our approach to addressing the entire well-being, comfort and functionability of our clients and their families. Our Care Managers are licensed registered nurses (RN) and social workers (SW). They provide every client a personalized care plan that is developed from a collaborative assessment with the client and family.
SeniorBridge Care Managers deliver services through a variety of approaches and solutions. A client with SeniorBridge can receive a range of customized, high quality care that allows them to remain as independent as possible and safely at home.
The SeniorBridge services include:
* Collaborative assessment of the client's needs.
* Developing a comprehensive plan for care of the client.
* Creating a customized approach to care where a person can receive the appropriate level of care for their specific needs.
* Coordination of all services and care provided to clients, including doctor and other professional appointments and social activities.
* Train, orient, supervise and support in-home caregivers and other staff.
* Provide direct, in-home care from Registered Nurses, Social Workers and Home Health Aides.
* Establishing home safety and emergency preparedness.
* Attention to psychological factors, such as family, friends, daily routine, activities and family caregiver stress.
* Assessing financial and legal factors that are relevant to the client's ability to plan and pay for long-term care needs.
When appropriate, a companion or home health aide is selected to provide direct care services for the individual. Companions and home health aides are available on an hourly or live-in schedule. Our staff is available on a full-time or as-needed basis 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our in-home care givers are trained and supervised by our nurse and social worker care managers. There are a number of tasks and activities our care giving staff can provide, including, but not limited to, the following:
* Assistance with daily activities such as grooming and dressing, cooking and eating, bathing, toileting and moving
* Help with activities such as shopping, driving, housework, laundry, using the phone, accompanying to doctors' visits and other health related visits and taking medications
* Socialization and companionship
* Facilitating special interests such as the arts, languages, and accompanying to social and sporting activities
* Assistance while traveling
